Sunday, 25 June 2023




By Nadir Godrej


Now people enable companies to grow

And as the economy advances, we know

Especially for industry 4.0,

For benefits to steadily flow

The role of people is even more.


Our strategies must change and that’s for sure!

Human Capital must be provided

It has to be built and properly guided.


Good strategies can be undermined

If all the people aren’t aligned.

Piecemeal ideas have been suggested

And although they are tried and tested

HR professionals can surely try

But often they are hard to apply.

But this approach is very new.


As Wilfred takes a holistic view.

It’s important that you take a look

At this very timely book.

Step by step he shows the way

To systematically play.


The environment should be thoroughly scanned

The strategy then, can be well planned

And after an assessment of the organisation

We can have a synchronisation

Of both business and human strategy

To ensure there’s perfect synergy.


When both strategies work hand in hand

It’s very easy to understand

That employees know what they need

To do, in order to succeed.

This book ranges far and wide

It serves as a complete guide.



Everything can be quantified,

Many examples are supplied.

In any business it can be applied

The performance criteria are very clear

Finally HCM 4.0  can cheer.



There is a clear ultimate goal

And HCM 4.0  knows it’s precise role.

This book can perfectly show

What any business needs to know

In order to succeed and grow;

Our thanks to Wilfred Monteiro.

Nadir Godrej

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

HCM 4.0 strategy Summit # A much needed initiative to revamp your human resource systems and practices


The CEO (a sponsor and well wisher of HCM 4.0)  provides the challenge for integrating human resource considerations to meet the needs of the business. In order to achieve true alignment, you need to get everyone at the table to put the minds together.  A best practice is to have a  HCM 4.0  review meeting; maybe offsite spread over two or three days.

Here HCM 4.0 team  has a meeting focused entirely on the  company strategy  implications and how HCM 4.0 can be a fitting complement to it . HCM 4.0 Strategy review meetings keep the top management informed of what is going on within every level of the organization. It becomes a forum for facilitating the identification and subsequent adoption of opportunities for improvement. There are a lot of good ideas that come from discussing key issues more broadly across the organization. It is then minds and hearts work together!


A HCM 4.0 strategy Summit not involve any discussion about operations. In strategy meetings. the discussions must  provide insight, information, and recommendations to turnaround and become business centric; these may be listed as:


1.    A fundamental transformation of HCM 4.0 starts with a definition of HCM 4.0 value—who the receivers are and a clear statement of what they will receive from HCM 4.0 services. HCM 4.0 value for customers will require that HCM 4.0 professionals answer the question “…How do customers and other key stakeholders—investors, managers, and employees—benefit if they spend time with HCM 4.0 professionals or adapt innovative HCM 4.0 practices?...”


2.    The HCM 4.0 leaders should chart out  a cause-and-effect description of how people create business value. The central question to create alignment: what does this long and comprehensive definition of “strategy” in its generic form mean to the human resources function in the company?


3.    HCM 4.0 summit can outline the system (both operationally with its  consequences and solutions)  It can examine the implications and acceptance  of strategic initiative which conflict with  sacrosanct HCM 4.0 policies.

4.    A HCM 4.0 strategy review meeting  helps to create Agreement on  the key issues/thematic areas for action and the specific TASKS  related to those themes, develop guiding principles and ensure that the parts can be built into a meaningful whole. HCM 4.0 summit can also ill resolve contradictory strategic intents like higher performance standards (contribution) and reduced headcounts (composition). This may clash with the professed value of a fair employer  code .


5.    When winning areas have been identified, best practices can be shared and implemented throughout the organization. Conversely, once neglected areas are brought to attention, we can decide if they need additional resources (either financial or human) to alter or invest in their strategy.

With best wishes

Dr Wilfred Monteiro