The triple objective of an HRM EXCELL ENCE AUDI T are to identify issues of potential liability ,to surface things that needing improvement and to formulate strategies for improving operational efficienciesThe audit works best when the focus is on improving the HRD function in the organization… if not it is a toothless document. The audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument. It will help you identify what you are missing or need to improve. It is most useful when an Organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HRD function to a level where its full potential to support the organization’s mission and objectives can be realized.
1. What strategic contribution is being made by HRD to the achievement of business/corporate objectives?
2. To what extent are there well articulated and agreed HRD strategies which are aligned to the business strategy and which are integrated with one another?
3. What role does HRD currently play? Is this role appropriate in the context of the organization?
4. To what extent has the responsibility for HRD issues been devolved to the management?
5. How well does HRD reconcile the need for devolution with the need to ensure that organizational, ethical and legal obligations and requirements are being mf consistently?
6. What evidence exists that HRD is being innovative in a practical and business way, based on an analysis of the business and people needs of the organizational and benchmarking?
7. How well is HRD performing by reference to quantitative measures such as added value per employee, absenteeism and attrition?
8. How well is HRD performing in terms of service delivery in fields such as INDUCTION, training, reward management, health and safety training , the management of equal opportunity and diversity, advice on employee engagement , the provision of employee assistance programmes and the maintenance and use of HR information systems?
9. To what extent does HRD express proper concern for ethical considerations, the interests of all stakeholders (employees as well as management), enhancing the quality of working life and achieving a satisfactory work/life balance?
10. What ' contribution has HRD made to the improvement of the employee relations climate?
11. How well is HRD regarded by its customers management, line managers, employees generally, employee representatives, as measured by formal assessments or opinion surveys?
12. Is the HRD function well organized and properly staffed with qualified professionals who are actively concerned with continuous professional development?