Tuesday, 23 May 2023

HCM4.0 MODEL BEGINS WITH A REVIEW from where you are to where you must go ahead


moving in the right direction one step @ a time

The triple objective  of an HRM EXCELLENCE AUDIT are to identify issues of potential liability ,to surface things that needing improvement  and to formulate strategies for improving operational efficiencies

The audit works best when the focus is on improving the HRD function in the organization… if not it is a toothless document. The audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument. It will help you identify what you are missing or need to improve. It is most useful when an Organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HRD function to a level where its full potential to support the organization’s mission and objectives can be realized.


Generally speaking, an HR Audit can be done at anytime; however, Audits are most often conducted when the company is contemplating “change.”  These situations could be summed up as:
¨      The key stakeholders have a sense that certain things could be done more efficiently and for less money but aren’t sure where to start.
¨      There’s been a  series of dis-satisfaction against the HR function and it’s been recommended that they look across all functions of the business for other areas of liability.
¨      The organization is experiencing higher than normal turnover.
¨      Employee morale is low and employee relations issues begin to consume more of management’s time and energy.
¨      The organization has “outgrown” itself and needs to identify tools and resources that will help the organization to mature.
¨      To ensure that any/all new HR systems and programs that are put in place are integrated, seamless and compliments on another.


Like any other function, the performance and contribution of HRD should be audited regularly. We recommend to our client that they first attempt ot answer thes 12 question before we have a preliminary round of discussion:e:

1.   What strategic contribution is being made by HRD  to the achievement of business/corporate objectives?

2.   To what extent are there well articulated and agreed HRD strategies which are aligned to the business strategy and which are integrated with one another?

3.   What role does HRD  currently play? Is this role appropriate in the context of the organization?

4.   To what extent has the responsibility for HRD  issues been devolved to the management?

5.   How well does HRD  reconcile the need for devolution with the need to ensure  that organizational, ethical and legal obligations and requirements are being mf consistently?

6.   What evidence exists that HRD  is being innovative in a practical and business way, based on an analysis of the business and people needs of the organizational and benchmarking?

7.   How well is HRD  performing by reference to quantitative measures such as added value per employee, absenteeism and attrition?

8.   How well is HRD  performing in terms of service delivery in fields such as INDUCTION, training, reward management, health and safety training  , the management of equal opportunity and diversity, advice on employee  engagement , the provision of employee assistance programmes and the maintenance and use of   HR  information systems?

9.   To what extent does HRD  express proper concern for ethical considerations, the interests of all stakeholders (employees as well as management), enhancing the quality of working life and achieving a satisfactory work/life balance?

10.   What ' contribution has HRD   made to the improvement of the employee relations climate?

11.   How well is HRD  regarded by its customers   management, line managers, employees generally, employee representatives, as measured by formal assessments or opinion surveys?

12.   Is the HRD  function well organized and properly staffed with qualified professionals who are actively concerned with continuous professional development?

We have found that some companies should start the turnaround in a piecemeal whilst others need a quantum change ...both approaches work according to the company "readiness" level of the corporate leadership; its top management shelf; its culture orientation. 

With best compliments

Dr Wilfred Monteiro

Mumbai- India

Sunday, 21 May 2023

HCM 4.0 is a catalyst for strategy plans





A robust framework, which takes us to  the strategy journey from concept- development of the master plan; alignment to business strategy. It interlinks environmental analysis with analysis of the firm - the two hemispheres of strategic management. It guides  moving away from the traditional inward looking approach - at operations and best practices and crossing the chasm to be  outbound looking at the markets and external challenges in the changing business environment.


CEOs in todays scenario of cost crunching; are compelled to ask for more measurement and accountability. Consequently  the HCM function is  under pressure, internally, to show REAL VALUE. In response HCM  leaders are on a sticky wicket.  A  probable reason could the HCM function has never highlighted its  contribution to creating business value;  added except in trendy, unquantifiable, and wannabe terms. the model  directs to Management-By-Measurement - to give it a real-time base sing principles of evaluation.

 Finally HCM 4.0 MODEL  hits upon the tricks and tactics of execution.. Each part of this book gives steps to design, manage, and implement the model. The aim of this  model is to approach the subject from a practical  angle. . Each segment of the model involves a roadmap for ‘’getting things done’’  this book is  most application based every concept is linked to practical application. I  have  tried to share  experiences  and  insights into  how every HCM manager needs to  wrestle  with complex  issues  and  helped  turn  ideas  into action Numerous examples of human resource practices are provided throughout the book, which can be practiced across the spectrum of industry; by companies both small and large. 

The New and improved HCM 4.0 MODEL needs HCM professions who are commercially adept and are able to move ahead of the blind curve and anticipate business challenges. The book address the issue the new competencies HCM professionals; who  need to acquire the ‘business centric’’ mindset which can enable all senior HCM professionals to discuss eyeball to eyeball with the counterparts in the functions.


Discussion and Review Questions, and activities at the chapter-end to help MBA students or HCM Planning Retreats in companies have been given. This book is chequered with Key Concept /Critical Reflection boxes. They should help   every  reader  to trigger  the necessary critical thinking and reflective skills to fully engage with the subject.






Here is a chance for Human Resource managers (who aspire to be  serious practitioners)  to learn strategic ways of managing human resources They  need to  understand why a strategic approach is necessary. It will also help them define a coherent framework; new and enriched  roles in the process to , execute the HCM master-plan and deliver results .  



 This book will be a help to senior managers , who must support HC strategy and take the lead in developing it, The functional managers need to be in harmony with the HCM strategy to support it, provide resources for it, and constantly reinforce and adjust it .



Professors /academicians or students of MBA in Indian B-Schools will find this book to be a helpful reference.   They rightly complain that textbooks whose coverage is restricted to the prescribe syllabus have limited value. What is needed on the bookshelf is a textbook  which helps them to look beyond - to know the realities of the business world and  explains complex  issues with  simple insight for practical application. Besides the MBA course prescribes   internal assessments and group research dissertations; the End-of-Chapter  exercises  will give the needed the real-time edge.  They would enrich the class presentations which are an important part of the curriculum.